The joys of homeownership

I had planned to get a lawnmower a month or two ago, but finances just didn’t allow it.* Well, I managed to get enough set aside to make that non-optional purchase.

New Mower

My new mower

It works pretty good, though it’s not really meant for grass as tall as mine had gotten. You can tell I let it go too long.


The lawn

You can tell the difference. The mower bogs down a bin in the heavier stuff, and takes a couple of passes, but like I said, it’s not really meant for grass that tall. I just let it go too long.

Of course, I had to reach the point I could afford the mower on a weekend with record high temperatures. Oh well, back to work.

*The girl who was going to sublease my apartment after I bought the house backed out, and 5 months later I still haven’t been able to find anyone to take over the lease. All the money I had set aside for all the extra expenses of homeownership – like lawnmowers – has been going to pay rent on an apartment I’m not living in.

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